Pandemics are not just a medical phenomenon; they affect individuals and societies on so many levels.
It's been almost two years since the COVID-19 pandemic started, doctors are beginning to understand what are the lasting long terms effects of the virus.
Physical complications of COVID-19
However, they are still continuing there researches about the physical long terms complications of COVID-19.
And also learning about the psychological tool of the disease such as
financial stress-out
loss of loved ones
suicidal thoughts (especially in younger adults) on patients
healthcare providers and the general public
Many countries are taking restrictive measures to contain the outbreak and that can have a negative impact on people's mental health and their well-being as the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.
During any outbreak of an infectious disease, the population's psychological reactions play a critical role in shaping both spread of the disease, the occurrence of emotional and distress, and social disorder during and after it.
Neuropsychiatric symptoms
Neuropsychiatric symptoms appear to be common with Corona virus patients. One recent study suggested that COVID-19 patients have an increased chance of developing a new mental health illness within 90 days of diagnosis comparing to other illnesses such as influenza.
Patients who were admitted into intensive care are particularly susceptible to developing mental health issues. For example one study found up to 22 % of patients who were admitted to a hospital for COVID-19 developed symptoms of anxiety or depression and up to 38 % of patients admitted to intensive care developed the same symptoms.
Other symptoms
Other psychological symptoms that patients may experience include confusion, insomnia, decreased memory retention, poor concentration and being critically ill for a period of time. Patients also appear to be susceptible to developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) or post intensive care syndrome.
Study on healthcare workers
Healthcare providers have been particularly at risk for psychological distress during the pandemic, who spend a significant amount of time in direct contact with patients who have been quarantined.
Studies of healthcare workers in both China and Italy revealed that almost 50% of the healthcare workers experienced traumatic distress during the pandemic. 25% of them experienced depression, 20% experienced anxiety, and 8% experienced insomnia.
In Canada, 50% of the healthcare workers needed psychological assistance. 56% of the young adults {ages 18-24} report symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorder.
How to manage COVID-19 mental illness?
The most common things to notice are tied to anxiety, and mood disorders. Looking after your mental health is of course as important as taking care of your physical health.
Tips on how to cope
1) Stay connected to other people:
Stay in contact with the people you care about such as your coworkers, friends, cousins, etc,.
2) Limit your access to media news
Be aware that knowing about current events can be stressful, especially during a global pandemic. Being updated with current affairs is good but you do not need to be inundated with a lot of information which could stress you out.
3) Establish a regular routine
Try to eat healthy, exercise regularly, meditate, and make time to unwind and do some activities your enjoy!

4) Give yourself a break
We won't be as productive if we don't do things we enjoy. We want to have this balance between being active and busy but not overdoing it to the point that we are stressing ourselves out. Behind the need to be productive is this fear but somehow our sense of self worth is tied to producing a lot what matters most is that we get through this with a sound state of mind and a healthy state of well being.
5) Change your thoughts from what if to now what
"One of the difficulties here is that if you get frightened; you get anxious and actually ; a reasonable level of anxiety is good for people. It makes you change; it makes you do appropriate things but if you're not anxious enough or if you're too anxious then you tend to be have in a way that isn't in your best interests."
6) Learning to be okay with things not being perfect
Remember, its quite common to experience short-lived physical symptoms when you are feeling low or anxious. Just try to distract yourself and try to follow the tips and you will feel much more better.
Tags: #mentalhealth