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Acne Vulgaris

Sheren Singh


Helpful guide


What is it?

Acne vulgaris is the one of the most common chronic skin disorders, especially among teenagers and young adults. It is the blockage of pores and hair follicles by excess build up of sebum, dead cells and bacteria.

Acne can appear as different forms, mostly on the face but also on the back and chest. It is not a fatal disease in itself but can cause self esteem issues and insecurities in many people as it leaves behind scars


There are more than one cause for acne developing in the skin--excess oil production, clogged hair follicles by dead skin cells, bacteria, and inflammation.

Acne is more prone to appear in facial regions with more sebaceous (oil) glands. Sebaceous glands are often found attached to a hair follicle, making a pilosebaceous unit. Excess oil production may cause the pore to congest and block, which also serves as feeding ground for acne causing bacteria - P. acnes.

Although the main cause of acne is oil and bacteria, there are certain things that can trigger or worsen the onset of acne vulgaris.

One of them is hormonal changes. Androgens (specifically testosterone) are present in people of both sexes, which causes enlargement of sebaceous glands and hence increased oil production in the skin. Testosterone is a hormone present more abundantly in men than women, making men more prone to getting acne.

Hormonal changes occurring throughout the menstrual cycle and pregnancy can also make women more susceptible to getting acne breakouts. It is said that touching your face also makes acne worse because the bacteria gets spread throughout the face.

The cosmetics that you use can also trigger or worsen acne. Cosmetics are of two types - comedogenic and non comedogenic. Comedogenic cosmetics are more likely to block pores on your skin which can lead to acne. Oil-free cosmetics and products will also reduce the likeliness of you getting acne from using that product.

Signs & Symptoms

Acne presents itself in many ways

  1. Whiteheads - Excess oil blocks a closed pore

  2. Blackheads - Excess oil blocks an open pore. The oil and dead cells appear darker when exposed to light

  3. Pimple - When bacteria feeds on the excess oil produced in the hair follicle, it triggers inflammatory reactions in the pore and causes a pimple

  4. Cysts - Some cysts form under the skin due to blockages in the lower part of the pore

Mental-health issues

Acne vulgaris causes self esteem and insecurities in almost all people because of the residual scars and hyperpigmentation. These complications are more likely to occur in people of darker skin tones. Acne scars are usually long term. They appear as pits or thick scars and last for a long time. The skin around acne can also be darker/lighter after the pimple has gone. This causes different pigments around the skin and no stable skin tone.

Prevention & Treatments

You can take medication or do self-care for treatment of acne. A dermatologist will be able to prescribe medications that will control acne breakouts and prevent/lessen acne scarring. Oral medications that could be prescribed are:

  1. Antibiotics - to reduce bacteria in skin

  2. Anti-androgen - to reduce amount of testosterone in body (for females)

  3. Contraceptives - to control hormone regulation (females)

  4. Isotretinoin - This medication is a derivative of Vitamin A, which helps with reducing inflammation.

People also apply skin care regimes with specific ingredients that will help with various aspects of acne.

Retinoids can help in clearing dead skin cells and oil off the skin and prevent inflammation.

Salicylic acid unclogs pores and reduces inflammation. It mostly targets whiteheads and blackheads but can also make pimples disappear quicker.

Benzoyl peroxide is most effective on inflammatory acne because it has antibacterial properties and kills P.acnes (bacteria that causes acne).


You might want to visit a doctor when you have been taking over the counter medications for mild acne but received no improvement. You can also visit a doctor if you have moderate to severe acne.




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