There are over 30 million people in the U.S. itself who have sinus. And these infections are increasing worldwide due to harmful AQI(Air Quality Index), dust, and climate changes because allergies commonly occur during the most sudden transitions from one climate to another.
What is Sinus Infection?
Sinus infection: As defined by Healthline, it is an infection that affects our nasal passages and is usually inflamed which makes us susceptible to this infection. When the nasal cavity gets inflamed mucus builds up. So mucus is a very slimy substance that is thick or not miscible with water. What causes Mucus to be secreted from the mucous membranes? Since the mucous membranes are present from mouth to lungs, whenever we breathe, our mucus in our nose might take allergens, viruses, dust, and pollens. Especially during the time of COVID, it is advisable that you wear a mask because anyone’s nose, lungs, and mouth’s mucus can attract COVID which will then be transported to different places in your body killing your body cells and will victimize your most powerful organ, lungs. There are over 30 million people in the U.S. itself who have sinus.

Symptoms of Sinus infection are Headache, nasal congestion, sneezing, difficulty in breathing through the nose, tooth pain, and fever. What causes tooth pain? It is when tissues lining the sinus becomes inflamed and also swollen. It is caused by sinus pressure and drainage. But mostly nasal congestion and difficulty breathing are extremely dangerous symptoms that might induce your infection into Asthma.
Asthma is in which our airways become narrow and swelled, and also produce extra mucus which causes hard to breathe through the nose and will also lead to wheezing which is breathing hard. Please consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms because the sooner you get treated with this infection, the fewer chances you have of getting Asthma.

(Disclaimer: We are not persuading you to use these methods, it is up to you to use these. You might want to consult your family medicine doctor regarding how to treat Sinus. And we are not endorsed by any brands to promote their products through our blogs)
Well, if you have read this article so far, you might think that there is no treatment for it but there is one. It is Neti Pot or also called nasal saline irrigation. This treatment is very creative and one of the oldest forms of nasal irrigation which was developed as an Ayurveda yoga tradition in ancient India. It is often considered a very risky method to treat sinuses and allergies but for me personally, it worked. I have sinus also and I treat it by using the Neti Pot. There is also sinus rinsing which is very similar to nasal irrigation/Neti Pot but uses a different device. So for Neti Pot, the device is packaged as a teapot-shaped device.

For sinus rinse, the device is packaged as a bottle shape.

So how do we use it? There is this video we have attached with the blog. The video is made by the Mayo Clinic so it is completely reliable.
Four Types of Sinuses
Frontal sinuses: There are two frontal sinuses which are the right and the left. Both of them are located in the center of the forehead or the frontal bone.

Image credits: Biodigital
Maxillary sinuses: One of the largest sinuses which are located behind cheekbones.
Sphenoid sinuses: These sinuses are located at the sphenoid bone which is at the side of our skulls.

Ethmoid sinuses: These sinuses are located in the Ethmoid bones.
